Opérations d'événement d'équipe

Opérations d'événement d'équipe

Before the event:

Follow the event on Twitter and Telegram groups to sign up for all side events
Prepare swag including t-shirts, stickers, QR codes
Create a "Target List" of 10 people you want to meet / organizations you want to connect with
Write a two line "elevator pitch" that is specific to that event
Revisit "Conversational Turn Taking" and think about how to create "psychological safety" in a event environment

During the event:

Wear Harmony blue t-shirts
Ask each person for their direct contact (Telegram, Twitter DM, Email, WhatsApp, Phone)
Take a photo or video with each person and send it to them via Telegram or Twitter
Send at least 1 link from harmony.one/new
Have each person scan the QR code for the Harmony Telegram group that correlates to that city
When connecting with them directly, send a brief three to five word note about to jog your (and their) memory of the conversation. Try to include what you want to work on together
If at a booth - do NOT stand behind the booth. If at an event - do NOT stand alone
Practice "Conversational Turn Taking" and "Psychological safety" in your conversations to encourage honest discussions
Think about who this person should be introduced to both internally at Harmony and people you have met at the event. If the person is at the event - introduce them

After the event:

Ask each partner for a tangible integration: take up a grant to launch on mainnet, run a community campaign within 30 days of the event
Post your notes on talk.harmony.one or notion including next steps
Follow through on promised introductions